And wasn't he right on the mark?
A month ago, while getting my daily dose of vitamin blog (I know you want to chuckle, don't stifle it, let it out), I came across this bit of humorous but sad news:
"Artist Matthew Woodson was recently bit by an unknown spider. Unlike Peter Parker who gained untold superpowers from a similar incident, this comics-related spider bite has put the artist in a tight financial situation. Read his blog for full details, but essentially, he is taking on commissioned illustration work — no job too small — to help pay for the medical bills over the next 8 months to keep the poisonous infection at bay."
Go on, clicky the linkies. Look at the guy's work. It's really awesome. I want his work to hang on my walls but transacting money on the net is an unknown joy for my Momma doesn't allow it. But for those of you who are allowed by their Mommas, go and help out the man! It's about time you stopped rubbing dried-up snot on your poor walls and put something nice on it for a change.
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