Do you know that critical moment when human flesh is just about to mercilessly slam against the asphalt? No? Well, neither do I. But Denis Darzacq, a French photographer, captures that instant with an effortless click of a button in his photography series, The Fall. Here are a few images from the series:

My eyes threatened to pop out from their sockets' snug fit when they first saw those unnerving set of images. The skeptic in me immediately wrote it off as something digitally manipulated. But when I scoured the internet for answers, this unbeliever was fiercely given the middle finger. No retouching or special effects were done. Everything was real.
As it turns out, Darzacq hired professional dancers to launch themselves into space while he waited with his camera in hand for that magic moment to occur. Pretty awesome, pretty awesome.
Watch the goings-on behind the scenes:
Now if ever we do find ourselves falling into space, lets all hope our downfall's as graceful as that.
Exercise your threshold for amazement by checking out his latest project - Hyper - or his personal site.
So cool!! I was wondering how he took those....!
The hyper ones are insane! I want my own
So awesome, right? C'mon, when you get back, lets go to some place which has a trampoline and take pictures of ourselves mid jump!
Trampolines are for wuuuuzzies, I wanna do it free fall. Hehehe!
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