Saturday, September 20, 2008

Outsider Information

When noticing a specimen of the XY classification, a lot of women’s eyes usually dart towards the windows of their soul. Some women like to scrutinize the whole house to see if there are any imperfections on the paint, surveying here and there for the presence of lumps or bumps. There are those who like to examine the structure to see if it’s well built or lacks built. Some like to inspect the doors by checking their swing, observing whether they could be easily closed or if they insist on crudely hanging wide open. And then there are those naughty ones who like to check out the mailboxes to determine whether they’re spacious enough to house enormous packages.

I, on the other hand, like to check out the landscaping.

Nothing else captures my attention quite rapidly more than a well-dressed man. Eyebrows instinctively shoot straight up at a glance of impeccably cut trousers. Eyes can’t help but stealthily follow the gait of the well-heeled chap (obviously not in chaps). The neck cranes to near impossible lengths just to get a better view of the interesting detail on the shirt’s collar.

Most of the time though, my stares fall on the bums of gay men. Then there are those golden moments when a straight man righteously deserves the Color Me Impressed Nod, thus making me believe that there is hope in men after all.

The Band of Outsiders Spring 2009 collection was one of my favorite menswear shows from the recent New York Fashion Week. The fact that the boyishly charming Max Minghella modeled for the look book makes my love for this label soar even more.

Here are some of the looks that topped my list:

Of course, the girls are not to be forgotten. Boy, the charming kid sister of Band of Outsiders, also showcased some lovely clothes that I want to have hanging in my closet:

(Photos nicked from

Well now really, how can a label go wrong with a name like that?

(Bande à part/Band of Outsiders, Jean-Luc Godard, 1964)


Anonymous said...

just open a freakin store already :D it suits you... pun intended *bow*

Kaity said...

Oh you coat me with such wonderful words. It's not that I'm skirting the issue, it's just really difficult to shift careers. I just might be cloaked in darkness when I do it now...

ALL PUNS NOT INTENDED! Haha! Ang labo mo, gino!

Anonymous said...

love the stuff! now if only the weather would allow for these outfits to be worn. i hate the rain!