Friday, February 27, 2009

The Wait is Killing Me

Nothing can truly be as torturous as the dreary act of waiting. More so when you’ve foreseen the potential greatness of what’s to come. In this case, it’s the potential greatness of two prime examples of why pop culture truly is the most wonderful thing on this planet.

Case No. 1

“It’s about time!” I shouted out loud as the magical click of the button revealed one of these week’s greatest treasures to me. Mark your calendars, friends. May 25, 2009 is the day that the Phoenix will rise from the recording studio and reveal their highly anticipated fourth album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.

As a way to satiate us hungry followers, the band has made the first single, 1901, available for free download. Now isn’t that a sweet thing to do? I am smitten, oh yes, I am!

Case No. 2

Normally, any movie with Joseph Gordon Levitt in it will be called an instant favorite. But throw in Zooey Deschanel, a heart-wrenching break up and anti-romantic comedy into the mix, and you’ve got a rabid fangirl in me, who has to wait until Lord knows when for the worldwide theatrical release of 500 Days of Summer. (The movie’s opening in July for folks in the States.)

'500 Days Of Summer' Theatrical Trailer @ Yahoo! Video

Additionally, here’s a pretty interesting story behind the inspiration for the trailer.

And now we can all heave a collective sigh over the prospect of the long wait.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Inside Scoop from an Outsider

He’s done it again. Scott Sternberg has got me swooning over his Fall 2009 collections for Boy and Band of Outsiders. More than the clothes themselves, what truly got my eyes lighting up was Sternberg’s source of sartorial inspiration, Jean Luc Godard’s 1967 film, La Chinoise.

Heavily taking cues from the Parisian student uniform of blazers, jackets, and sweaters worn during the fashionable days of yore, Sternberg created what he does best – a smart, preppy look that will make those who don it pass any test of impeccable chicness with flying colors.

Intentionally veering away from the monotonous march of models up and down the catwalk, Sternberg, once again, looked towards the stimulating world of cinema for inspiration in presenting his collection. Taking cues from The Lars Von Trier (Dogville) and Charlie Kaufman (Synecdoche, New York) School of the Minimal Use of Props in an Enclosed Area to Symbolize the Outside World, Sternberg assembled a tableaux vivant or living picture by “constructing his own world out of a handful of French-ish props: a phone box, a lamp post, park benches on which models lounged playing cards or board games, existentially wasting time à la française.”

How I wish I had the good fortune to witness this in the flesh. For now, we thank the heavens for Vimeo.

Band of Outsiders, NYC fashion week collection presentation from Philip Gaedicke on Vimeo.

More than the finished products themselves, I believe that what’s sending me in a tizzy are the avenues of inspiration that Sternberg had chosen to take. The creative process really never ceases to astound me – from inspiration to a germ of an idea, to the earliest drafts, to the birthing pains, to the moments of disquiet and doubt, to the breathlessness from the final thrust and finally, to the smiles from ear-to-ear, there really isn’t anything like it. I know I may be waxing (pseudo)poetically about this but really, anything minutely connected to a beautiful man by the name of Jean Pierre Leaud would do that to anyone.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Answer Me This

Once in a while, something wonderful floats up to the surface to reveal its brilliance. When you ask Fifty People One Question, you're bound to get some very stirring responses.

Fifty People, One Question: London from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.

What would your answer be?

Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Random Examples of Too Much Information

1) I’m the kind of person who never ever remembers her dreams. Though every time I sleep with scotch in my bloodstream, I wake up with a very lucid recollection of a series of really bizarre dreams. It freaks me out a little bit. Now where’s the scotch?

2) My lolo died in the room I now sleep in. From time to time, I smell his scent around the house but it really doesn’t bother me. I actually find it very comforting. Thought it’d be a whole different story if I start detecting his scent in my room.

3) I brush my teeth in the shower. I started doing this because I thought it’d save me time and water. I was wrong but the habit remained.

4) I love train rides. Whether they’re rides on subways, skytrains, overnight trains, etc. I love the feeling of being in transit and of being cramped with people who you’ll never see again.

5) When I watch movies alone, I always watch them with subtitles. Even the American ones.

6) I tend to talk to myself a lot, in my head or out loud. It’s usually in the bathroom wherein I’m at my most talkative. I think it’s because I face the mirror while talking to myself, creating a semblance of conversing with another person.

7) I’m very awkward in social situations. Throw me in a room full of people, whether strangers or not then watch me make love to the wall.

8) If I could be of any nationality, I’d be half French, half Japanese.

9) It was only a year and a half ago that I started wearing sneakers. My middle name used to be “Tsinelas”.

10) I once went two whole days without uttering a single word to anyone.

11) As much as possible, I try not to fall asleep while watching movies in a theater. I think it’s a very offensive thing to do to directors, even though they’ll never know. But a couple of years ago, I found myself being lulled to sleep by Michael Moore’s voice in Fahrenheit 9/11. But then again, that wasn’t a movie.

12) I have a hard time committing phrases, quotes, and the like to memory. When friends start quoting lines from movies, watch my face change into an expression of a kid who’s just been told, “Honey, time for bed. The grown ups are gonna talk now.”

13) I’ve never eaten in a restaurant alone, ‘til last year. It was very therapeutic.

14) I want to go to Stockholm, Sweden. Now.

15) I’ve always secretly wished I were a poet. So much so that I’ve tried several stabs at “poetry” and well, all my attempts deserve to be stabbed.

16) I have a weakness for dorky guys. Trip, stammer, stutter in front of me and I will love you forever. Blather on and on about something I don’t fully understand and all I’d wanna do is plant a huge one on you mid-sentence. I will love you and all your obscure references.

17) I don’t like sleeping before midnight. Even though I’d be really sleepy at 10 pm, I’d feel the need to “rebel” and sleep after the clock strikes 12.

18) I’ve officially been an employee in the advertising agency I work in now for one year. And three days. Where did all that time go?

19) The advertising agency I’m working for now is actually my dream agency. Well waddaya know, dreams actually do come true.

20) I blush so easily. I hate it. I really do.

21) I can’t sleep without the help of a nightcap or sleep aid. And to think that I’m only 24. This is not good.

22) For a significant number of years, a friend’s dad had thought that my whole name was Kai Ty. It still cracks me up.

23) My old Powerbook’s name is Lou, named so after Lou Reed (pretensyosa ka!). My new Macbook’s name is Trent, named after that hot cartoon character in Daria.

24) Here’s a chronological rundown of all the professions I’ve wanted – Pediatrician, Business Woman, Fashion Designer, Rock Star, Advertising Whore, Photographer, Museum/Gallery Curator, Director, Cinematographer, Writer/Travel Writer, Fashion Merchandiser, Store Proprietor. One dream snagged out of 12. I think it’s time for a Life Assessment.

25) I once had a clear book bursting with Backstreet Boys posters, clippings, articles, etc. One day, it magically disappeared. Poof. Gone. Without a trace. Like rational thought when drink is drunk and you’re drunk from drink. My poor, teenybopper heart was inconsolable.