Heavily taking cues from the Parisian student uniform of blazers, jackets, and sweaters worn during the fashionable days of yore, Sternberg created what he does best – a smart, preppy look that will make those who don it pass any test of impeccable chicness with flying colors.

Intentionally veering away from the monotonous march of models up and down the catwalk, Sternberg, once again, looked towards the stimulating world of cinema for inspiration in presenting his collection. Taking cues from The Lars Von Trier (Dogville) and Charlie Kaufman (Synecdoche, New York) School of the Minimal Use of Props in an Enclosed Area to Symbolize the Outside World, Sternberg assembled a tableaux vivant or living picture by “constructing his own world out of a handful of French-ish props: a phone box, a lamp post, park benches on which models lounged playing cards or board games, existentially wasting time à la française.”
How I wish I had the good fortune to witness this in the flesh. For now, we thank the heavens for Vimeo.
Band of Outsiders, NYC fashion week collection presentation from Philip Gaedicke on Vimeo.
More than the finished products themselves, I believe that what’s sending me in a tizzy are the avenues of inspiration that Sternberg had chosen to take. The creative process really never ceases to astound me – from inspiration to a germ of an idea, to the earliest drafts, to the birthing pains, to the moments of disquiet and doubt, to the breathlessness from the final thrust and finally, to the smiles from ear-to-ear, there really isn’t anything like it. I know I may be waxing (pseudo)poetically about this but really, anything minutely connected to a beautiful man by the name of Jean Pierre Leaud would do that to anyone.

jean luc godard ka diyan.. i say jean luc picard, captain of the enterprise. hahaha
Tsk. You philistine. Hahaha!
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